
Northwind and pubs Sample Databases 설치 본문


Northwind and pubs Sample Databases 설치

잠수콩 2014. 6. 10. 12:30

제목 :  Northwind and pubs Sample Databases 설치

Northwind and pubs Sample Databases for SQL Server 2000




다운로드 받은 파일에서 sql 문을 실행하던가 mdf 만 따로 아래와 같이 설치한다.


Step 1:

Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your instance. Right-click the “Databases” folder and click “Attach”.

Northwind Install step 1

Step 2:

Click “Add…”  in the “Databases to attach:” box and find NORTHWIND.MDF in your folder. Make sure to click on the file and check that the “Database Data File Location:” is accurate.  Click OK.

Northwind Install step 2-1


Northwind Install step 2-2


Step 3:

Notice that it includes a “NORTHWIND_log.ldf” which actually doesn’t exist. So we want to click on that and remove it. Don’t worry! A new log file will automatically get created in the right location once you have attached the datbase.  Also, verify that “NORTHWIND.MDF” has the right “Current File Path”. Click OK and check the “Databases” folder in SQL Server Management Studio for the “northwind” database.

Northwind Install step 3-1

Northwind Install step 3-2

That’s it! You should now have full access to the Northwind Sample Database in a SQL Server 2012 environment.

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