
축약 URL, 단축 URL 생성 ASP function 본문


축약 URL, 단축 URL 생성 ASP function

잠수콩 2016. 1. 20. 11:39

제목 : 축약 URL, 단축 URL 생성 ASP function

소스 :

Function getShortUrlBitly(ByVal longUrl, ByRef resultCode, ByRef resultTxt)

Dim Rs

Dim sql

Dim objRoot

Dim requestUrl : requestUrl = "http://api.bit.ly/v3/shorten"

Dim username, apiKey

Dim params

Dim result : result = longUrl

resultCode = "900"

resultTxt = ""

username = "" : apiKey = ""        '//값을 넣어야함.

If username <> "" And apiKey <> "" Then

Set objRoot = xmlDoc(xmlHttpSend("GET", _

Null, _

requestUrl, _

"login="& username &"&apiKey="& apiKey &"&longUrl="& Server.URLEncode(longUrl) &"&format=xml" _


If Not objRoot Is Nothing Then

With objRoot

resultCode = .selectSingleNode("status_code").Text

resultTxt = .selectSingleNode("status_txt").Text

If resultCode = "200" Then

result = .selectSingleNode("data").selectSingleNode("url").Text


resultCode = statusCode

resultTxt = statusTxt

End If

End With

End If

Set objRoot = Nothing

End If

getShortUrlBitly = result

End Function

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